Fairtrade groups from five Wiltshire towns have hosted a visit by a Fairtrade tea farmer from Kenya to celebrate the movement’s 30th anniversary.

Patrick Kaberia Muthaura, a Fairtrade tea farmer from Michimikuru in the Nyambene Hills of northeast Kenya, is spending two weeks in the UK during the annual Fairtrade Fortnight from September 9 to 22.

During his visit to Wiltshire, he has been to Bradford on Avon, Calne, Corsham, Devizes and Trowbridge as local groups celebrate the 30th anniversary of Fairtrade.

Cllr Denise Bates, chair of Trowbridge Town Fairtrade Group, welcomes Fairtrade tea farmer Patrick Kaberia Muthaura. Cllr Denise Bates, chair of Trowbridge Town Fairtrade Group, welcomes Fairtrade tea farmer Patrick Kaberia Muthaura. (Image: Trevor Porter)

Cllr Denise Bates, chair of Trowbridge Town Fairtrade Group, said: “Patrick’s visit went extremely well. He is an inspirational speaker and gave us a presentation on how much Fairtrade means to him and his local community.

“It is making a difference not just to the workers who are receiving a fair wage, but also producers who are getting a fair price for their products.

“The Fairtrade Premium has also helped to provide a new medical centre for his local community and is helping to offset the impact of climate change.”

Trowbridge Town Fairtrade Group with Fairtrade tea farmer Patrick Kaberia Muthaura during his visit. Trowbridge Town Fairtrade Group with Fairtrade tea farmer Patrick Kaberia Muthaura during his visit. (Image: Trevor Porter)

Patrick’s visit to Trowbridge was supported by Trowbridge Town Council and he visited St John’s Primary School and later attended a civic reception where he met Trowbridge mayor Cllr Stephen Cooper and the town crier Trevor Heeks, as well as other councillors and Fairtrade supporters.

Cllr Bates added: “We are only a small Fairtrade group in Trowbridge and would welcome anyone who wishes to become a member. They should email me at denise.bates@trowbridge.gov.uk”

Patrick has visited the UK several times at the invitation of the Fairtrade Foundation and Wiltshire Fairtrade Coalition. His visit this year was organised by a group of Wiltshire Fairtrade towns, including Stan Wood in Calne and Nicky Kenna in Corsham.

Kenyan tea farmer Patrick Kaberia Muthaura gives a presentation on his tea farm to Fairtrade group supporters in Bradford on Avon. Kenyan tea farmer Patrick Kaberia Muthaura gives a presentation to Fairtrade group supporters in Bradford on Avon. (Image: Rick Buettner)

Rowena Quantrill, from Bradford on Avon Fairtrade Group, said: “The county’s Fairtrade towns have remained in touch with Patrick since 2017.

“It was a brilliant visit We all enjoyed meeting Patrick and he enjoyed being in Bradford on Avon.”

During his visits to the five towns, Patrick has visited local schools, stores and supermarkets selling Fairtrade products, and has given presentations on how climate change is affecting Kenya and its farmers.

He has also met local farmers and two local MPs, Sarah Gibson and Brian Mathew, attended civic receptions and workshops, and has discussed the labelling of ethical products with supermarket managers.

Patrick with (l to r) Cllr Anthony Houghton, deputy mayor of Highworth; Cllr Julie Murphy, Mayor of Highworth; Amanda Burnside, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire, and Cllr Jack Vittles, Mayor of Bradford on Avon. Patrick with (l to r) Cllr Anthony Houghton, deputy mayor of Highworth; Cllr Julie Murphy, Mayor of Highworth; Amanda Burnside, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire, and Cllr Jack Vittles, Mayor of Bradford on Avon. (Image: Rick Buettner)

In Bradford on Avon, Patrick visited The Hub and the Wallington Hall in Church Street, where he met Bradford on Avon Mayor Cllr Jack Vittles, and gave a presentation on how climate change is affecting Kenyan and its tea farmers.

Patrick with Natasha Herriott, manager of the Lamb's Yard Co-op store in Bradford on Avon. Patrick with Natasha Herriott, manager of the Lamb's Yard Co-op store in Bradford on Avon. (Image: Celia Feane)

He also toured an organic produce, fruit and small vineyard run by Jonathan Francis at Avonleigh, and visited the town’s Sainsbury’s and Co-op stores, as well as Christine’s Sustainable Supermarket, and other local shops.