A suspected drunk driver blocked the road through a Wiltshire village after flipping a car onto its roof.

Wiltshire Police shared an image of a single-vehicle road traffic collision which happened in Mere on Tuesday morning.

The Roads Policing Unit described a blue Audi S3 as going "turtle down" and explained that the driver suffered slight injuries and produced a roadside breathalyser test result of 106 microgrammes of alcohol per 100ml of breath.

This is more than three times the legal limit of 35 microgrammes of alcohol per 100ml of breath.

Police and firefighters attended the scene of the incident to deal with the aftermath of the crash.

The road briefly closed while the vehicle was recovered. The car sustained significant damage to its roof, front, and sides, with one rear passenger door coming off entirely and fluids leaking from under the front bonnet.

Drink driving is one of the five most common causes of crashes that cause serious or fatal injuries. Wiltshire Police's FatalFive campaign focuses on catching drivers who commit this offence as well as motorists who drug drive, drive dangerously, use a handheld mobile phone while behind the wheel, or drive while under the influence of drugs.

Police were called at 8am and the road has now reopened. A man in his 40s was arrested on suspicion of drink driving.