Residents are split over controversial plans for free parking in a Wiltshire town, with some labelling the scheme “madness”.

Chippenham Town Council will discuss whether it supports subsidised free parking in all Wiltshire Council owned car parks on September 25.

This comes after a motion was put forward by Cllr Nic Puntis and Cllr Robert Giles to gauge support for the scheme, which would be funded by a council tax rise.

An hour of free parking would cost £40.28 per year on an average Band D property while two hours would cost £48.94.

Shoppers have called for free parking as a means of regenerating the town centre, but many residents took to social media to object to the proposal.

Cllr Matthew Short said: “This isn't really 'free' parking. It's increasing Chippenham Town Council's proportion of the council tax by approximately £500,000 per year, to pay Wiltshire for parking.

“Personally, I think this is madness and unless persuaded otherwise am predisposed to oppose this motion.”

READ MORE: Plans for Chippenham free parking scheme to be debated

Cllr David Poole said he would support the plans at the right priceCllr David Poole said he would support the plans at the right cost (Image: Cllr David Poole) Others pointed out not every taxpayer would make use of the scheme and their bill would rise “unfairly.”

Phil Patterson added: “So you are going to penalise Chippenham residents who rarely drive into town the same as people who regularly go in?

“You are proposing to rip off the elderly and those on low incomes.”

People were generally supportive of free parking, but argued it should be funded by other means to make the town more “attractive” to businesses.

“If it means that council tax will go up to cover the costs then no”, said Ash Haskins.

“It’s not fair to charge non-car drivers or people that don’t go into town for people to park for free.

“But the council should be doing this free of charge to try and drive people back into the town centre.”

Last year a free parking row erupted over broken machinesLast year a free parking row erupted over broken machines (Image: Newsquest) Other shoppers pointed out the potential benefits of a free parking scheme.

Nick White said: “The reason why there is little to shop for in the town centre is the effect of lack of free parking over a number of years.

“Those with cars went to alternative centres.”

John Sidaway added: “For more shops to be opened in Chippenham… more people are required to be in town, it isn’t rocket science.

“Increasing the council tax for ‘free’ parking wouldn't very fair but I feel there should be an element of free parking.

“Most people seem to agree that something needs to change.”

Residents have been urged to make their opinions clear to councillors before the meeting.