Plans will be put forward to introduce free parking in car parks across a Wiltshire town.

Many have argued for free parking within Chippenham’s car parks in recent years, believing it will boost footfall in the town centre.

Now Chippenham Town Council will consider a motion on the principle of subsidised free parking in all the town’s Wiltshire Council-owned car parks.

The motion has been put forward by Cllr Nic Puntis and Cllr Robert Giles, and will be discussed on Wednesday, September 25.

It argues the plans would have a “positive effect” on the town centre economy but warned it would be funded by a council tax rise.

If councillors support the motion, they will decide whether to provide one free hour at an annual cost of £40.28 for an average Band D household, or two hours for £48.94.

READ MORE: Free parking row erupts in town centre over broken machines

Last year broken machines in the Bath Road car park sparked a row over free parkingLast year broken machines in the Bath Road car park sparked a row over free parking (Image: Newsquest)

Cllr Puntis urged residents to let their councillors know their views on the debate.

He said: “I want to see what residents say because there is a cost and it’s a choice on whether we want to see an increase in council tax.

“If residents are happy to have an increase I’m in favour… it could increase footfall for businesses and hopefully our empty units would be filled.”

Cllr David Poole has also been pushing for a free parking debate to “regenerate” the town centre, if the scheme is affordable.

He believes the current parking fees are off-putting for shoppers.

Cllr Poole added: “It’s a good opportunity to regenerate the town centre, it’s a good idea subject to finance but it might be too expensive.

“If we want to attract people into the town centre it would be nice to give them some encouragement and get footfall back up.”

It is hoped the plans will boost High Street footfallIt is hoped the plans will boost High Street footfall (Image: Newsquest)

While entering into a funding agreement to provide free parking is a decision for the town council, Wiltshire Council says it is happy to work with local councils on such schemes.

Cllr Nick Holder, cabinet member for highways, says a strategic approach is taken when deciding parking fees to provide support for different areas.

He added: “Parking charges in place throughout Wiltshire encourage appropriate parking within our car parks and pay for the maintenance and operation of our parking assets. 

“They ensure convenient access to the town centre for activities including shopping, employment, and leisure, with the car parks further away allowing employees and other long-stay parking. 

“Whilst we recognise that charges must be appropriate, the majority of travel choices are based on the offer or desired experience for a visitor.”