A Wiltshire man who sent hundreds of threatening texts to his social worker has been fined and given a suspended sentence.

Grzegorz Giza, 37, of Walnut Grove, Trowbridge, pleaded guilty to harassment without violence at Swindon Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, September 4.

The court heard how the offence took place from December 2, 2023 to January 13, 2023 when Giza “took a liking” to the female social worker who was supporting him while his children were living with other family members.

On one particular occasion, she stayed with him for five hours when his mental health had deteriorated, which was said to be the catalyst for his infatuation with her.

The first of the ominous text messages started on December 3 when the victim received a message on her work phone, not realising it was Giza, speaking about having a romantic connection and referring to the Netflix documentary Escaping Twin Flame, which is about a sinister love story.

On December 5, she received hundreds of erratic text messages from six in the evening into the next day, where he demanded “ring me, I know everything”, which did not make sense to her, so she assumed they were not directed at her and did not reply. 

But on December 6, the tone of the text messages turned to affection, with Giza declaring his love and saying “I love you, I want you, ring me”.

The victim realised it was Giza as he referenced the previous mental health visit during this series of text messages and he accused her of trying to initiate a sexual relationship with him, before sending more unsettling messages - some of which were of a sexual nature.

Meanwhile, he was arrested on December 15 but bailed shortly after.

In January, Giza breached bail conditions by making contacting again when he showed up at her office demanding to speak to her, before texting her personal phone number for the first time and mentioning her boyfriend and friends by name, despite never telling him this information.

In a victim impact statement read to the court, she described feeling “on edge” and “uncomfortable”.

The statement read: “One night I received nearly 200 text messages and I felt concerned for him. There was a mixture of threats and abuse contrasted with declarations of love.

“I was worried he was suggesting we should die together if we could not be together. Every morning I dreaded turning on my work phone.

“It was the most scared I had felt when he texted my personal number, I still don’t know where he got it. I was on edge about any text message I received.

“I’m suffering from migraines and my sleep has been affected due to nightmares about Giza finding me. I resent being put in this position.”

Giza denied ever visiting her workplace, adding he got her personal contact number as she was listed as his next of kin on his medical records and he never knew the name of her boyfriend and friends.

Additionally, he claimed the allegations apart from the texts were “fabricated by Wiltshire Police”.

The magistrate told him: “Your culpability is high because this was an offence that was sophisticated in nature and persistent over a prolonged period of time.”

He was given a 12 month suspended sentence, ordered to complete up to 20 sessions of rehabilitative activities and issued a five year restraining order.

Additionally, he was ordered to pay a surcharge of £154 and prosecution costs of £400.