A Wiltshire man who was found naked and hiding in a shed after breaking into an elderly woman’s home has pleaded guilty to burglary.

Matthew Alexander, 36, of no fixed abode in Chippenham, appeared at Swindon Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, September 3 and pleaded guilty to burglary dwelling with intent to steal.

The court heard how officers were called to a property on Plantation Road in Chippenham on May 15 after a 90-year-old woman saw Alexander, who had climbed through an upstairs window from her roof, trespassing in her home.

The victim, who lives alone, was immediately alarmed as she did not know Alexander and had never seen him before, and he reportedly told her "I'm Daniel from over the road" before leaving the property as officers arrived at the scene.

As they were interviewing her, officers heard a window being smashed in a nearby property and found a garden in "disarray" a few houses over. 

Alexander, who was described by the prosecution as ‘opportunistic’, had gained entry to a shed and locked himself inside, but officers forced entry to find him fully naked with several items, believed to be taken from the elderly woman’s home, including her bank statement, which was covered in excrement. 

She said that since the incident, she had noticed other items of little value had been taken, such as a torch and cigarette lighter.

Alexander, who does not have any previous convictions, admitted to arresting officers that he had taken drugs, including MDMA and cocaine.

In mitigation, his defence, Ms Heard, said Alexander has been diagnosed with various mental health conditions and he is not a regular drug user nor had he used drugs since the incident.

She said: “The dwelling burglary seemed to be an incident where he was off his head on drugs and doesn’t remember entering the property.

"He wasn’t aware the bank statement was on his person until the police told him.”

The hearing was adjourned until Thursday, October 17 so a pre-trial report can be arranged with the probation service and Alexander will be on unconditional bail until this time.

The Magistrate warned him: “Because of the seriousness of this offence, it could well be heard by the Crown Court.

“You need to co-operate fully with the probation service and it’s in your interest to be completely frank and honest with them.”