Plans for a new 16ft food van just off a main road into a Wiltshire town have caused debate.

Chippenham town councillors were split over plans for a catering van named Munchies on the Bath Road Industrial Estate, just off the A4.

Despite some debate, the planning committee voted to object to the proposal during a public consultation.

The decision on whether to grant the van a street trading application will be made by Wiltshire Council and, if approved, would see the business sell burgers, chips, chicken, lamb, and breakfast.

Town councillors fear the van’s proposed location, between the Chippenham Depot and the Chippenham Ambulance Station site, could cause “traffic conflict”.

READ MORE: Plans for new Wiltshire food van off A4 into town

The planned location of the food van in ChippenhamThe planned location of the food van in Chippenham (Image: Wiltshire Council)

Cllr Matthew Short raised concerns that increased traffic and footfall to visit the food van could obstruct ambulances from responding to emergencies.

He said: “Since the ambulance station was moved there have been difficulties getting ambulances out onto Bath Road at peak times.

“Although the exit is before where the van would park, I guess it would attract people in and I’d be very wary about anything that might affect the ambulances.

“I think ambulances should probably go ahead of burger vans.”

Cllr Nic Puntis suggested that the committee should object to the plans for several reasons including site safety.

He added: “What this will do is potentially increase the number of people walking to the site from Bath Road.

“That’s across the entrance to the ambulance station so there’s a conflict there, this isn’t the right place for it.

“They (other vans) are not on the main road and are in areas where you can easily park.”

The planned location of the food vanThe planned location of the food van (Image: Google Maps)

Other councillors also raised concerns about increased litter in the area.

Others were more supportive of the idea and Cllr William Douglas argued that the van would provide benefits for workers on the industrial estate without impacting the ambulance station.

He said: “I really don’t see any reason why we should stop this one, there is another one in the B&Q car park, but this will service the other estate.

“I don’t think it would affect a great deal the amount of space or the ambulances, and I think we should allow this.

“It’s well out the town and provides somewhere for the workers in the area to have some lunch.”

Cllr Douglas added that he has not noticed increased littering in the areas where established food vans currently trade.

Wiltshire Council’s consultation on the van’s street trading application runs until Tuesday, August 27.