Town councillors are set to debate plans for nearly 200 extra homes on the edge of a Wiltshire town.

Plans for phase one of the Rawlings Green development, at Rawlings Farm to the east of Langley Park in Chippenham, have been submitted.

If approved, this would see the construction of 196 homes, the first of up to 650 that could be built on the wider site.

Outline approval for the larger scheme has already been granted and developers Crest Nicholson Operations and Summix Ltd are now applying to deliver the first stage.

READ MORE: Plans for 650 homes and link road progressing in Chippenham

The current site at Rawlings FarmThe current site at Rawlings Farm (Image: Newsquest)

A condition of the development is the creation of a link road joining the new estate to the B4069 Langley Road via Parsonage Way before 200 homes are occupied.

If approved, the latest application would allow the construction of just under 200 dwellings as well as associated highway works, garages, car parking, public open space, play space and infrastructure works.

Chippenham town councillors had been set to have their say on the proposals during a planning committee meeting on Thursday, August 22.

But, due to the ward councillor being absent, the committee moved to defer the discussion to a meeting on September 12.

Wiltshire Council is running a public consultation on the plans ahead of approving or rejecting them and residents have until September 12 to have their say.

Some have already voiced concerns about the impact of the new plans, and the wider development, on traffic in the Monkton Park area.

Jane Jones said: “I think it would be irresponsible to build any more dwellings where a potential 200 plus cars would add to the bottleneck that regularly occurs now.”

Catherine Toft added: “Monkton Park is already an enormous cul-de-sac which contains Wiltshire College, a primary school, the railway station, various businesses and The Olympiad.

“It seems foolish to me to add all the construction traffic during the building phase, followed by another 165 households.”

Proposed street scenes for Rawlings GreenProposed street scenes for Rawlings Green (Image: Crest Nicholson/Summix)

Summix insists the scheme would improve connectivity in the area.

A spokesperson said: “The proposals for Rawlings Green will provide 650 new high-quality homes and offer the opportunity to create an attractive new neighbourhood that helps provide a mix of new housing for future generations.

“It will help deliver improved connectivity in the area and promote sustainable movement, whilst providing a country park and other high-quality green space within the development and along the bank of the River Avon, as well as a new primary school, community facilities, local shops and retirement living accommodation.”