A recent spike in motorbike thefts around Devizes has led to an undercover police response.

Wiltshire Police said plain clothes neighbourhood policing officers patrolled into the early hours of Wednesday, August 21 using an unmarked car.

This was in an effort to “catch offenders and develop intelligence”, a statement explained.

Acting Inspector Chris Wickham said: "We know that people who own motorbikes are understandably concerned about the rise in thefts and damages that have been reported both to the police and on social media recently. 

"We took the opportunity last night to stop a number of bikes seen on the road and carry out both foot and vehicle patrols across the town. I want to urge the public to be on their guard and keep motorbikes out of sight and secure them. 

"Please report any suspicious behaviour should you see it using 999 and we will attend as soon as possible. If you have any information then please report it via 101, online or via Crimestoppers (0800 555 111)."