A consultation on plans to ban street drinking and crack down on anti-social behaviour in a Wiltshire town is nearing an end.

The opportunity for members of the public to comment on a proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Devizes ends on Sunday, August 25.

If introduced, the plans would give local authorities powers to tackle anti-social behaviour in the town.

In particular, Wiltshire Police and Wiltshire Council want to tackle street drinking in the town centre, which has reportedly led to a rise in incidents causing people alarm and distress.

READ MORE: New powers planned to tackle rise in 'alarming' town centre incidents

The proposed town centre areaThe proposed town centre area (Image: Wiltshire Council)

The order would prohibit drinking alcohol or having open containers of alcohol in the town centre or Green Lane.

Anyone found to be in breach of the Order could be issued with an on-the-spot fixed penalty notice of up to £100.

Failure to pay this fine could lead to prosecution and a fine on conviction up to £1,000.

More than 700 residents and businesses have already responded to the consultation and the council is urging others to have their say.

In particular, young people or those impacted by anti-social behaviour in the area have been encouraged to take part.

Cllr Dominic Muns, cabinet member for environment, said: “We want to thank the 700 plus people and businesses who’ve taken the time to respond to the consultation so far, with the vast majority in favour of the proposal.

“There is still time, however, for more people to have their say, we particularly want to hear from young people under the age of 24 and residents and businesses that are being affected by anti-social behaviour.”

The council hopes introducing the measures would reduce incidents and help keep people safe while in the town centre.

The proposed Green Lane areaThe proposed Green Lane area (Image: Wiltshire Council)

Cllr Muns added: “One of our most important responsibilities as a council is to safeguard our residents and businesses from harm, and we believe that a PSPO in Devizes will help to reduce the level of anti-social behaviour that is being seen in the town.

“A similar PSPO has recently been introduced in Salisbury, with a number of Fixed Penalty Notices already being issued to those breaching the order.

“We, along with Wiltshire Police, want to show that we are taking anti-social behaviour in Wiltshire seriously and will put measures in place to deter this type of behaviour.

“I’d encourage those who haven’t yet done so to go online to read the proposal and have your say.”