A Wiltshire man admitted to carrying out poor quality work on a customer’s roof - but his alleged co-conspirator denies all charges.

Arthur Dolan and 23-year-old Isaac Follows, both of Trowbridge Road in Seend, appeared at Swindon Magistrates' Court earlier this month.

Dolan pleaded guilty to the first charge – engaging in a commercial practice that broke the requirements of professional diligence by carrying out substandard work on the roof of a Station Road property in Westbury between February 14 and March 2, 2023.

He then pleaded not guilty to the other three charges, which allege that he provided false information by quoting and providing a receipt for the installation of replacement slates to the property’s entire roof between February 14 and 22, 2023, failed to replace old roofing battens during the same timeframe, and falsely stated that the lead around the chimney had been replaced on February 23.

Follows faces the same four charges and pleaded not guilty to all of them.

Dolan was happy to have his trial at Swindon Magistrates' Court while Follows wished to be tried at Swindon Crown Court.

Magistrates decided that the pair must face trial together and so both of their cases will proceed at Swindon Crown Court, releasing them on unconditional bail until the next hearing at on Friday, September 13.