Residents fear a planned housing development will be “affected by floods” amidst schemes to build nearly 100 homes in a Wiltshire town.

On Tuesday, August 13, Malmesbury Town Council’s planning committee will have a chance to voice their views on two planning applications that would see the construction of up to 97 homes on the outskirts of the town.

Lagan Homes and White Lion Land Limited have applied to build a controversial development comprising 42 homes on land off Park Road, to the north of the town centre.

Meanwhile, Hollins Strategic Land has submitted an outline planning application for an additional 55 residential dwellings beside Sherston Road, on the western edge of town.

READ MORE: More than 50 homes proposed on outskirts of Wiltshire town

The site of the Park Road developmentThe site of the Park Road development (Image: Lagan Homes and White Lion Land Limited)

Consultations on these proposed developments run until August 14 and August 29, before Wiltshire Council approves or rejects them.

The Park Road development has proved particularly controversial, and the designs currently before councillors are revised plans submitted in July.

The scheme was granted outline approval on appeal in September 2022 following a planning row that lasted over four years.

Wiltshire Council had initially rejected the plans for multiple reasons, including concern over the impact of urbanisation on the area.

Many residents also objected to the scheme because of reported frequent flooding near the site.

The latest plans provide more detail on the layout and appearance of the proposed development and have been amended following objections, including from the town council.

Some residents still fear building on the land would worsen the impact of flooding.

Among these people was Denise Richards, who said: “None of the amendments to this planning application address my concern that the area around Park Road is subject to flooding.

A map of the site off Sherston RoadA map of the site off Sherston Road (Image: The Urbanists)

“Houses and businesses near Park Road are regularly affected by floods as the road is parallel to the River Tetbury Avon.

“My motivation for objecting is purely altruistic. I have had the personal miserable experience of a house being flooded.

“It is madness to build homes on a flood plain and I will continue to object to any future planning applications in the Park Road area of Malmesbury.”

The developer has, however, submitted a detailed drainage and flood management plan which points out the site is located in a “low risk” flood zone area.

While Park Road itself is considered “high risk”, the scheme would provide storage during heavy rainfall, and discharge surface water to the existing drainage ditch network via a new connection.