A pedestrianised Wiltshire High Street will be reopened to cars in a bid to ease town centre traffic.

Investigation works are set to start on Calne High Street as Wiltshire Council looks to reopen the road to vehicles one way, south from Wood Street to Curzon Street.

The street will remain pedestrianised in the meantime, but it is expected work will begin to reopen it before the end of the year.

An experimental temporary traffic order has been issued meaning the changes can be in place for up to 18 months, before a decision is made on whether the £100,000 scheme becomes permanent.

The council is trialling the changes to improve air quality, particularly on The Square, where the narrow road causes queuing traffic, dangerous passes, and the mounting of kerbs.

READ MORE: New plans could tackle town's 'congested and unsafe roads'

Traffic on The Square in CalneTraffic on The Square in Calne (Image: Trevor Porter)

Cllr Nick Holder, cabinet member for highways, said: “We want to improve air quality in Calne and help relieve some of the traffic issues on The Square, which is why we’re trailing opening High Street to traffic, one way from north to south.

“We are committed to having well-connected communities in Wiltshire, and we hope these changes will help improve the air quality and traffic flow in Calne.”

During the trial, residents can voice their views and the council will consider these opinions when determining the street’s future.

Cllr Holder added: “This experiment will be in place for up to 18 months, and during that time we will look at both data and the effect on the local highways network, along with the views of local people, before deciding whether to make the scheme permanent.

“We’re expecting to start installing the changes before the end of the year, and once this starts and the experimental temporary traffic order is live, I’d urge people to let us know their views, so we can see what works and what may need further changes.”

Calne High StreetCalne High Street (Image: Trevor Porter)

Once the trial is in place, traffic heading south down Wood Street will be able to move down High Street and turn left onto Curzon Street.

Vehicles exiting High Street will only be able to turn left, while those heading west from Wood Street onto The Square will need to turn right at the mini roundabout.

The council will tarmac the centre of High Street for vehicles and install temporary physical barriers on each side of the road to help keep pedestrians safe.

During this time, the disabled parking on High Street will be suspended and the tree planters will be moved to more suitable areas.