Plans for the £1 million renovation of a town centre indoor market are set to go to public consultation.

Devizes residents will have an opportunity to voice their opinions on a proposal for major works to upgrade The Shambles indoor market in the Market Place.

The plans are due to go to consultation in August, according to a report prepared for the town council’s commercial committee.

The scheme has previously been given a budget of between £750,000 and £1 million and at the end of 2023 local firm Peter Kent Architect was hired to lead the project.

Council officers say they have used four key objectives adopted by the council to shape the design concepts that will be put forward.

These include encouraging business enterprise, supporting community events, being a safe and welcoming place to meet, and actively promoting the town as a great place to visit.

READ MORE: 'Positive' step for major scheme to 'unlock potential' of indoor market

Inside The Shambles in DevizesInside The Shambles in Devizes (Image: Newsquest)

The town council also hopes the scheme will make sure the next generation inherits a “community building that will be sustainable” by improving its energy efficiency.

To meet these objectives, several steps have been proposed as part of the planned schedule of works.

An increase in energy efficiency for the whole building through improved ventilation, air extraction, heating, and lighting is a key part of the design.

There are also plans to fit the lower hall out so it may be used as a community space, upgrade the toilet facilities, and improve the services in the lower hall to provide greater access to water, drainage, and power.

Officers emphasised that all finishes will be to a high standard to “reflect the importance of the building within the town centre’s retail offering.”

While the plans aim to respect the building’s historic importance, agreed contemporary design may be utilised during the works.

The Shambles in DevizesThe Shambles in Devizes (Image: Newsquest)

Those involved in the project have previously said that the renovations could “unlock the potential” of The Shambles as a key venue in the town.

The town council intends to run a structured six-week consultation to gauge the views of shoppers and traders.

This will include drop-in sessions with councillors and the architects, design and information boards, surveys, and group discussions.

The report did not confirm the exact dates of the consultation and associated events.

Once the consultation is complete, officers will collate the responses and report back to the council and architect.