A new manager has been appointed to tackle “slipping” occupancy and income at a Wiltshire town’s markets.

As of July, the Devizes markets are under the control of market officer Stuart Natt who has taken over from previous manager Luke James.

In a report compiled for the town council’s commercial committee, officers said Mr Natt’s priority would be to address falling numbers of traders at the Market Place’s outdoor markets and in The Shambles.

It said: “The remit for Stuart Natt will be to focus on the occupancy of the outdoor markets and Shambles, which have been slipping over time.

“A significant drop in income took place in June, which is of great concern to senior officers.

READ MORE: Devizes Market Place could be turned into 'community hub'

Devizes marketDevizes market (Image: Newsquest)

“Through analysis it has become apparent that footfall is down, and this may well be due to the cost of living and/or other factors.”

An investigation into this downturn in income found revenue collection during June had been “more lax than it should have been”.

Officers are confident the factors behind this have been removed and will not hamper the operation’s future turnover.

Mr Natt will be aided by a new Edge software system to assist managing capacity and income records.

Officers say his agenda will include dealing with late cancellations by traders and working on the concept of a Ceres Hall market.