A Wiltshire town struggling to provide affordable parking could receive extra free parking places on its High Street.

Marlborough High Street has become well-known for its parking problems, with drivers often attempting to parallel park or pull out in the middle of a busy flow of traffic.

Lack of parking has been reported as a particular issue on market days when parking bays in the centre of the street are taken up by stall owners.

Now, after months of deliberation, Marlborough Town Council are backing a proposed scheme which would provide additional free short-stay High Street parking places.

The Gazette and Herald understands that the parking would be adjacent to Superdrug and would be available for 30 minutes free of charge.

READ MORE: Safety concerns on Marlborough High Street crossings

In the minutes of a town council meeting, held on Monday, July 15, it reads: "Marlborough Town Council supports a proposed scheme to provide additional free short-stay High Street parking places.

"The Town Council will contribute £750, 25 per cent of the total cost of £3,000."

The new parking spaces will be located outside Superdrug, where there are currently yellow linesIt is believed the new parking spaces will be located outside Superdrug, where there are currently yellow lines (Image: Google Maps)

Jane Davies, a Wiltshire councillor for Marlborough West, which includes the High Street, added: “As a local councillor, I am fully aware of the need for additional parking in Marlborough so that people can access shops and facilities in town.

“Our fantastic independent traders really rely on the free 30-minute parking on the High Street allowing customers to pop in to pick up items. And a strong retail offer is essential for a thriving High Street."

Marlborough has previously come under fire for its lack of visitor parking when it was named as a 'pollution hotspot' in 2023.

Idle cars and traffic were said to be the main cause of the air pollution, particularly around the High Street where traffic is slow due to drivers struggling to park.

A look into the current parking situation on Marlborough's busy High StreetA look into the current parking situation on Marlborough's busy High Street (Image: Newsquest)

SEE ALSO: Pewsey Road parking in Marlborough could be removed

But while the new affordable short-stay parking will be welcome news to shoppers and those popping into town for a quick cup of coffee, long-term parking on the High Street remains an issue.

"In the High Street it is very much standstill a lot of the time and people do pull over and just leave their cars running sometimes because they can't park," said previously a spokesperson for the Marlborough Bike Company on Kingsbury Street.

One coffee shop worker, who does not wish to be named, recently revealed to the Gazette and Herald that the lack of affordable day parking means she can't park near her job on the High Street.

"I have to park miles away because I can't afford to work here and park here," she said.

"If you account for the hourly parking when you're earning barely above minimum wage, it soon adds up."