Residents living beside a Wiltshire A-road fear for their safety after another incident at a crash blackspot.

In the early hours of the morning on Saturday, June 22, two cars left the A4 near Derry Hill and struck a barrier on the side of the road.

Neighbours reported seeing one of the vehicles “burst into flames” after the occupants evacuated, and a nearby house was damaged by the flames before firefighters extinguished them.

The incident happened just metres from the scene of a fatal crash in 2020, when four young men from Calne died.

Peter Davies, who lives in one of the nearby houses, fears it is “a matter of time” before a car collides into his or one of his neighbours’ properties.

READ MORE: Coroner decides Derry Hill crash deaths were NOT unlawful killing

The scene after a crash on the A4 Derry Hill in 2020The scene after a crash on the A4 Derry Hill in 2020 (Image: SWNS)

He said: “We’re just feet from the road, this happened just the other side of our garden hedge and the car ended up outside our neighbour’s house on its roof.

“I think it’s appalling we’re left exposed like this really, it’s frightening that our neighbours were evacuated and the houses were in danger.

“The cars are still going past at high speeds and the road is a catalogue of incidents, we’re suffering.”

The roadside crash barrier was damaged during the incident, leaving residents feeling even more vulnerable.

Mr Davies has called for Wiltshire Council to repair this barrier and take further action to slow traffic on the route.

He added: “A lot more should be done to slow cars and lorries, it’s a free for all.

The scene after a crash on the A4 Derry Hill in 2020The scene after a crash on the A4 Derry Hill in 2020 (Image: SWNS)

“We’d like the barrier to be repaired and extended, because we’ve got no protection, and a 30mph speed limit.”

Wiltshire Council says it is prioritising repairing and extending the barrier damaged in the crash and has already sought quotes for this work.

But no changes to the 40mph speed limit are planned, following a review carried out in 2022.

Cllr Nick holder, the cabinet member for highways, said: “We are working to repair the damaged section of barrier as quickly as possible and have asked our contractor to obtain quotes to both repair and extend the length of the barrier as requested by Calne Without Parish Council.

“A review of the A4 speed limit, from the junction of Pewsham Way, Chippenham, to the A3102 junction on the west side of Calne, was carried out in 2022.

“The review concluded that the existing 40mph speed limit was the correct and appropriate limit for this length of the A4, so no changes were recommended.”