Plans are moving forward to introduce new powers in a crackdown on “anti-social behaviour and street drinking” causing issues in a Wiltshire town.

Wiltshire Council is currently considering the introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Devizes.

The council says these plans are in response to a pattern of anti-social behaviour linked to street drinking in the area.

Wiltshire Police, CCTV operators and businesses in Devizes have all witnessed and reported increased incidents of large groups harassing people in the town, causing alarm and distress.

If introduced, the PSPO would provide a range of tools and powers for the council and police to deal with incidents like this.

READ MORE: Wiltshire town centre facing street drinking 'issues'

The affected area in the town centreThe affected area in the town centre (Image: Wiltshire Council)

The proposed order would cover the town centre, and Green Lane, and would prohibit drinking alcohol or having open containers of alcohol in these areas.

Police would be able to seize any alcohol found on a person in these locations.

Officers would also be able to order groups to disperse and not return to the specified area for up to 48 hours.

Anyone found in breach of the Order could be issued with an on-the-spot Fixed Penalty Notice of £100.

Inspector Chris Wickham, from Wiltshire Police, says the order would assist police in their efforts to clamp down on street drinking and disruptive behaviour.

He said: “A PSPO would assist the police greatly in dealing with anti-social behaviour and the issues associated with street drinking.

“It would be a valuable tool in the toolbox of legislation open to officers dealing with behaviour in Devizes, which currently disrupts people going about their normal business and enjoying the town.”

SEE ALSO: Street drinking could be banned in Devizes town centre

The affected area at Green LaneThe affected area at Green Lane (Image: Wiltshire Council)

A consultation on the plan is live and residents and business owners can voice their opinions on the proposal using the Wiltshire Council website, until August 25.

This feedback will be considered before a decision is made.

Cllr Dominic Muns, cabinet member for environment, added: “We want our residents to know that we take issues such as this seriously and we are keen for Wiltshire to be a place where people can feel safe. 

“Following feedback from Wiltshire Police, parish councils, and local residents about anti-social behaviour in the town, and the introduction of similar PSPOs in Downton and Salisbury, we now feel it is an appropriate time to consider the introduction of one for Devizes.

“I want to encourage people and business owners to take part in the consultation so we can gather the community’s thoughts and feelings on the issue before making an informed decision.”