An 18-year-old has had his car taken off him by police officers because he was uninsured. 

He was driving a Micra in Chippenham and was pulled over by Wiltshire Police's Roads Policing Unit (RPU) at a Lidl. 

When questioned by officers over why he was driving without insurance, he told them that he could not afford it and so 'took the risk'. 

The young driver who had only been legally on the road for a year will now face consequences, with police saying his 'driving license is in jeopardy'. 

The Micra was also seized. 

The incident was posted on the Wiltshire Specialist Operations X page, which covers the Roads Policing Unit and Armed Response Group.

The full post reads: "RPU had cause to stop this Lidl Micra in Chippenham for no insurance.

"The 18-year-old driver admitted that he couldn't afford the insurance, so took the risk.

"Unfortunately, this puts his driving licence in jeopardy, having only had it for a year. #seized."