Wiltshire residents have voiced their anger at plans for 150 homes off a busy A-road, which many fear would “gridlock” town.

In June, GTBE LLP had plans lodged for the redevelopment of land to the north of the A4, on the edge of Corsham, by developer Origin3.

If approved, the extensive residential development, which was first unveiled in March, would see the construction of 150 homes on the 10-hectare piece of land.

A 1550sq metre mixed-use hub and a four-arm roundabout serving the estate would also be built at the site, which is currently used for agriculture.

READ MORE: Plans submitted for 150 homes off the A4 in Wiltshire

The proposed site of 150 homes off the A4The proposed site of 150 homes off the A4 (Image: Jennifer Newman)

Many residents have strongly opposed the plans, with 119 responses to the consultation, many objecting, submitted at the time of writing.

Some fear the scheme would worsen existing issues in the town with “overstretched” infrastructure.

Peter Comber said: “Corsham currently has insufficient infrastructure to support further development of housing.

“Currently there is only one doctors’ surgery, one pharmacy, and overstretched schooling.

“The A4 around that part of Corsham is often gridlocked with traffic as it is, without the addition of a further 150 houses.”

Concerns over traffic were echoed by many other responses that claim there are already congestion problems on the A4.

Russell Mollenhauer added: “I strongly object to this development.

“The building allocation for Corsham doesn't require it nor can the infrastructure support it.

“The A4 is already dangerously busy with often many minutes waiting to be able to cross the road.

“More building would be a disaster.”

SEE ALSO: Angry residents launch petition against plans for 150 homes off A-road

The proposed site of 150 homes off the A4The proposed site of 150 homes off the A4 (Image: Newsquest)

Others pointed out the picturesque land is outside the Corsham settlement boundary and is well-used by walkers and nature lovers.

Anita Louise Jaynes said: “This is a green space enjoyed by locals.

“If the countryside is further cut up, it will feel like we're all in a built-up suburbia not the Corsham we know and love.

“It would be fantastic if this space could continue to be used for livestock and nature.”

Origin3 did not respond to a request for further comment on opposition to its proposals.

In its design and access statement, the firm emphasised the benefits of creating 45 affordable homes while limiting the impact of residential development by ensuring it integrates into the site.

A spokesperson said: “The Vision for the land north of Bath Road is to deliver a flourishing, distinctive, and residential led extension to North Corsham, where future and existing residents will be proud to live and work in a place where the outstanding natural environment contributes to the quality of life and well-being.”