An ex-roofer from Wiltshire who made a racist comment to a police officer on New Year's morning has argued it was "not derogatory" but just "as friends do".

Lewis Miles, 42, of Chiminage Close, Marlborough, was sentenced for racially aggravated harassment and possession of a Class A substance.

He pleaded guilty to both offences at Swindon Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, July 10.

On January 1 around 1:30am Miles was outside a pub on Marlborough High Street where he had been celebrating New Year’s Eve, explained Adam Cooper, prosecuting.

He was said to “join in with another man” who was making abusive comments and he called a police officer a "f*****g black c***" while they were arresting another male.

The court heard Miles was under the influence of cocaine and alcohol and had a wrap of cocaine when he was arrested, which he said was for his personal use that night.

Originally worth £20, the court heard there was only a residue amount of the drug left.

He apologised to officers during the interview following his arrest and said the comments were not directed at them.

Mark Glendenning, defending, argued that the interactions between himself and the male were “not derogatory but as friends do”.

Miles, a former roofer who has not worked for some time, was fined £120 with a surcharge and costs giving a total of £253.

The drugs are to be destroyed.