More than 150 campaigners turned out to protest the planned redevelopment of a former golf course for housing.

Bradford on Avon’s former golf course remains listed as a reserve site for development on Wiltshire Council’s local plan, although no planning applications for the site had been submitted at the time of writing.

But the allocation of the land for potential housing developments has angered both residents and the town council.

In the years since the golf course shut, the land has become a “rich wildlife habitat” and many people wish to see the area kept “wild.”

READ MORE: Call to stop potential golf course development in Wiltshire

Protesters at the golf courseProtesters at the golf course (Image: Trevor Porter)

Campaigners young and old attended the site armed with banners and placards urging developers to “keep the golf course wild” and “save the trees.”

They believe that construction at the site would have multiple negative impacts, including a loss of biodiversity, and the risk of disturbing contaminated land.

Speaking during a consultation on the local plan last year, chair of the town’s development committee Cllr Alison Potter outlined some of these concerns.

She said: “Since the golf course closed several years ago this site has become a rich wildlife habitat for birds, butterflies, bats, otters, beavers, and river birds.

“It is important in these times of climate change that this blue-green biodiverse corridor between Bradford on Avon and Trowbridge is retained to be enjoyed and grow as a much-loved open green space for humans and wildlife alike.”

Bradford on Avon Town Council recently launched a petition against development on the land after they reportedly saw activity from contractors.

Councillors are exploring potential alternative sites for redevelopment, to negate the need for housing on the golf course.

“I am still deeply concerned about the presence of this site on Wiltshire Council’s draft local plan,” said Cllr Jack Vittles, Mayor of Bradford on Avon.

SEE ALSO: Town council’s petition on local plan reaches milestone

Protesters at the golf courseProtesters at the golf course (Image: Trevor Porter)

“As we, the town council, made clear in our response to the local plan, the site is wholly unsuitable for development and that position has not changed.

“I would urge all those who wish for the site not developed, to please sign our petition to make it clear it to Wiltshire Council our feelings about the potential changes to this site.

“Our last petition had more than 2,000 signatures, and we need to show our continued and growing objection to the threat of any development.”

The local plan says Bradford on Avon must find space for up to 80 new homes by 2038.