A man has been sentenced for pulling over a female driver in Wiltshire while pretending to be a police officer.

Chris Green, of Nursery Close in Peterborough, had been driving in Longsplatt, Corsham with an illuminated blue LED light in the windscreen of his car when he decided to pull over a woman who was also driving.

During the incident, which took place on May 6 last year, Green claimed that he was a police officer working for an undercover crime unit and challenged the woman on her manner of driving.

It was only when the 32-year-old man noticed that the woman's son was a passenger in the car with her that he turned and left the scene.

The woman immediately contacted Wiltshire Police about the incident, and Green was arrested.

Chris Green's vehicle was seized by police.Chris Green's vehicle was seized by police. (Image: Wiltshire Police)

Officers found an LED lightbar, handcuffs and a baseball bat in his car.

He was subsequently charged and found guilty of impersonating a police officer in a trial on May 9.

In a hearing at Swindon Magistrates' Court on Friday, June 28, Green was sentenced to six months custody, suspended for two years, after pleading guilty to impersonating a police officer.

He is also required to pay £620 costs and a £154 surcharge.  

“This is a very concerning and unsettling incident for the victim involved, who had every reason to believe she was being stopped by a genuine police officer," said Detective Inspector Matt Smith.

“Fortunately, Green left the scene and the victim immediately called the police, which allowed us to locate Green quickly and arrest him.

“We appreciate the significant community impact that incidents like this have, particularly for women.

“If you do have concerns over whether an officer you are dealing with is genuine, there are quick steps you can take to check their identity," he added.

"You can either call us on 101, or if you feel it is an emergency then call 999. Our officers will always understand if you wish to verify their identity with the Wiltshire Police control room.

“I’d also ask anyone who thinks they have been victim to a similar incident to please call us on 101.”

Wiltshire Police also offers a simple verification process to the public which will allow them to confirm that an officer is on duty.

All officers can proactively offer to carry out a verification check to anyone they engage with who appears concerned for their safety or vulnerable by putting their personal issue radio on loudspeaker and asking a member of our control room to confirm who they are and that they are on duty.