Recently released Swindon Town player Tom Brewitt is being sued for £200,000 by a former teammate. 

Brewitt began his career as a youth player at Liverpool before eventually finding his way to the County Ground last season where he made 44 appearances, before being released. 

It was during his time as a rising youth player in 2015 that he is accused of deliberately injuring teammate Daniel Cleary during training to improve his own chances of being picked for the first team. 

As reported by the Daily Mail, this month Cleary revealed he was suing both Brewitt and Liverpool due to resulting further injury and depression impacting his career.

Cleary was a 19-year-old defender when he says he was flattened by a dangerous 'over the top, studs up' tackle by Brewitt in 2015.

It came at a time when Jurgen Klopp was suffering an injury crisis and the likelihood of making a senior debut for an upcoming FA Cup game for either was a distinct possibility. 

After the incident, neither went on to play a competitive match for Liverpool. Brewitt is currently a free agent and Cleary plays in the League of Ireland. 

The case came before the High Court recently, where Cleary's barrister Satinder Hunjan KC, explained that his client thought Brewitt had broken his leg.

He said that he was left with a large gash and significant swelling, making him unavailable for selection for the FA Cup match, and that the injury had a knock-on effect leading to further injuries and depression.

Mr Hunjan said the lawsuit had been made after Cleary learned of his former teammate's account of the tackle on the Football Journeys Podcast.

On the podcast, Mr Brewitt said that he felt like it was 'me or him' and so made the decision to go 'after him'. 

He said: "I did it on purpose. I'm not incredibly proud of it and I'm not ashamed of it either. Because in my head it was me or him and I was choosing me."

Brewitt faces a lawsuit for negligence and assault and battery, while the club is accused of not protecting Cleary. 

Both the club and Brewitt's lawyers have denied any liability, as well as rejecting claims  Cleary's career was impacted as a result. 

A trial will take place at a later date.