A library in Wiltshire has announced that it will be closed for an extended period while key sustainability measures are installed.

Devizes Library, located on Sheep Street, will close its doors on Monday, July 1, and won't open them again until Thursday, July 25.

According to Wiltshire Council, this is so that energy-efficient lighting and an air source heat pump can be installed to improve the library's overall efficiency.

Air source heat pumps replace boilers and water heaters and generate significantly less carbon emissions.

There's no need to panic though, as all books which are due back at Devizes Library during the closure period will have their return dates extended, so no books will be overdue.

Books from Devizes Library can also be returned to any other Wiltshire Council-run library if people wish to return them while the Devizes site is closed.

Devizes Library will be closed to the public for over three weeks.Devizes Library will be closed to the public for over three weeks. (Image: Diane Vose)

“It’s great to see another one of our libraries kitted out with the latest climate-friendly technology," said Councillor Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for Libraries and Operational Assets.

“Air source heat pumps are an elegant solution that enable us to hugely reduce carbon emissions from our buildings.

"They are playing a big part in helping us to reach our goal of becoming carbon neutral as an organisation by 2030, and are widely used across the council’s estate as well as various affordable housing projects.

“Installing new carbon-reducing technologies supports our business plan priorities of leading the way in how councils and counties mitigate the climate challenges ahead, and ensure that the people of Wiltshire are empowered to live full, healthy, and enriched lives.

“We thank people for their patience and hope they are able to make use of nearby libraries at Calne, Melksham, Marlborough, Pewsey and Market Lavington in the meantime.

"We look forward to welcoming visitors back to the library at the end of July.”

The installation has been announced as part of Wiltshire Council's effort to become carbon neutral by 2030.

To date, the council is estimated to have saved approximately 2,250 tonnes of carbon emissions and £780,000 every year, through work to reduce carbon emissions and improve the energy efficiency of its buildings.

Now council members hope that the latest upgrade to Devizes Library will further improve these figures.