A Wiltshire nurse who has struggled for years with low self-esteem and confidence has now set her sights on becoming the world's strongest woman.

Cathy Mattimoe, 28, from Chippenham claims that she first wanted to start weightlifting in October 2023 to "see what her body could do", but was put off by the negative stigma surrounding plus-size women in the gym.

The nurse worried men wouldn't take her seriously in a gym environment and said she knew hardly any women who were weightlifters.

Since joining a gym nine months ago, Cathy is now able to deadlift the weight of two grown men and hopes she can inspire others to overcome their fears of the gym.

Chippenham nurse Cathy Mattimoe claims she had no self confidence before joining the gym.Chippenham nurse Cathy Mattimoe claims she had no self confidence before joining the gym. (Image: Cathy Mattimoe)

"I am a curvy girl and going to the gym as a curvy girl has been difficult," said Cathy, who works as a nurse.

"I had real low self-esteem, I had no confidence. I would look down on the floor and I wouldn't talk to people or give them eye contact. But I have found the gym community through deadlifting. 

"I will be deadlifting 160kg and I will have a big muscular man next to me nodding at me like 'go on girl'."

The 28-year-old nurse is able to deadlift the average weight of two grown men.The 28-year-old nurse is able to deadlift the average weight of two grown men. (Image: Cathy Mattimoe)

Not only has Cathy's confidence grown since she began her weightlifting journey, but she also claims that working out has also acted as a 'release' for her anxiety and mental health.

Now with her strength improving each day, the Chippenham nurse has set her sights on an even bigger goal - inspiring other plus-size women by competing at the World Strongest Woman competition.

"I would love to compete at some point," said Cathy.

"The ultimate goal would be to compete in the World's Strongest Woman but even just starting off small and entering one competition is a huge achievement to get to that point.

"You just don't hear much about plus-size women in the gym as they are always judged," she added.

"But there are two women that I know who are weightlifters that are plus size and they hold the world record of the heaviest deadlift.

"I'd love to be able to inspire other women like me to get involved."