A Wiltshire resident has slammed the installation of “unsightly” 20mph speed limit signs in a town centre.

In May Wiltshire Council implemented 20mph speed limits on some of the busiest roads through Devizes town centre.

As part of these plans, which came following a request from Devizes Town Council in a bid to improve road safety dating back to 2020, signage advertising the changes has been installed.

But recently erected 20mph signs on Long Street have sparked protests from residents who claim they are damaging the appearance of the “historic street.”

One local, who has not been named, wrote an email urging the town council to pressure Wiltshire Council over the issue.

In it, they said: “The enforcement signs are badly sited and unsightly in themselves.

READ MORE: 20mph speed limits implemented on key Wiltshire roads

The 20mph signs on Long Street, DevizesThe 20mph signs on Long Street, Devizes (Image: Newsquest)

“No attempt has been made, and apparently no thought given, to how they affect the look of the street, which is surprising considering we are in a conservation zone.

“The signs look extremely cheap and jar badly with this historic street.

“The one beside the Conservative Club is stupidly placed, just behind the club's hanging sign.”

The resident believes the signs make a “laughing stock” of the conservation area and insists banning HGVs from the road would improve safety more effectively.

They added: “This historic street is now visually diminished and cluttered by ill-considered signage and poor planning.

“It would be much more to the point to ban heavy lorries from traversing Long Street.

“The few vehicles that do exceed the speed limit do so mainly at night, and lowering the limit and putting up a sign will be no deterrent to them at all.”

The 20mph signs on Long Street, DevizesThe 20mph signs on Long Street, Devizes (Image: Newsquest)

Despite the complaint being a matter for Wiltshire Council’s highways team, town councillors are due to discuss the concerns at a planning committee meeting on Tuesday, June 18.

Council officers have asked members to make any observations in light of the comments, but emphasised signage is needed to enforce the speed limit and it is unclear what can be done to reduce their visual impact.

Cllr Nick Holder, Wiltshire Council’s cabinet member for highways, said: “The recent installation of 20mph signs in the town centre followed a request made by Devizes Town Council through the Local Footway Highway Improvement Group.

“The signs have been installed in accordance with the relevant legislation and guidance.

“The town council is free to discuss the request for a weight restriction within the town centre and if supportive, should seek further discussion with Wiltshire Council on its appropriateness.”