Plans have been revealed for an overhaul of parking rules to crack down on traffic issues in a busy Wiltshire street.

Devizes Town Council officers say traffic problems in New Park Road, near the junction with Victoria Road, have been “worsening.”

Multiple cars are often parked on the narrow road, near the former community hospital site, leaving little space for those driving across the Quakers Walk Bridge over the Kennet and Avon Canal.

There have also been issues raised over cars parking illegally at the junction with Victoria Road.

Cars parked in New Park Road, DevizesCars parked in New Park Road, Devizes (Image: Newsquest)

Now the town council’s planning committee is set to vote on improvements to parking management in the area, which would introduce fresh restrictions.

This includes an extension of the double yellow lines from north of Victoria Road all the way to Quakers Walk and back down the other side of the road, until they meet parking bays near the former community hospital entrance.

These parking bays would become time limited, with the suggested restriction between three and four hours.

The existing yellow lines at the junction, which have become “faded and damaged”, would also be refreshed.

If approved by the town council, this plan would be put forward as a request to the Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group, which would make a decision on the scheme.