A Wiltshire dog has been put down after its owner let it become dangerously out of control.

Ann Jefferies, of The Butts in Chippenham, has been sentenced for owning a dangerously out-of-control dog.

The 50-year-old pleaded guilty at Swindon Magistrates Court on June 7 to having a Patterdale terrier called Digby who was out of control in Chippenham on May 4, 2023.

The defendant received an electronically-monitored curfew that requires her to stay at her home address between 10pm and 7am every night for three months.

She must also comply with up to 10 rehabilitation activity days as well as pay £85 in court costs plus £114 to fund victim services.

Her dog must now be destroyed because this latest offence breached a contingent destruction order which had been made on May 4, 2021, after the sentencing of a previous crime that related to this animal.

Contingent destruction orders are issued when the court is satisfied that the dog would not constitute a danger to public safety and forces the owner to keep the pet under control or risk having the pet destroyed if measures to keep the dog under control are not taken or another offence is committed.