A High Street shop which hadn't seen a lick of paint in 10 years has now had a complete makeover, after months of setbacks.

Cancer Research in Marlborough has been thriving on the High Street for several years but for Sam Macleod, who has been the manager at the Marlborough shop for the past three years, the store was well overdue a change.

According to Sam, talks about the refurbishment began in late 2023 and it was originally planned for the early spring of 2024.

The plans came crashing down when the shop received a call to say that their shipping container was stuck out at sea.

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Cancer Research in Marlborough was completely stripped out as builders took over the site.Cancer Research in Marlborough was completely stripped out as builders took over the site. (Image: Newsquest)

Now, months after originally planned, Cancer Research in Marlborough is back open with an all-new look.

"Literally everything is different," Sam told the Gazette and Herald.

"In our sorting area upstairs we had completely new carpet put down so all the donations, fixtures, fittings and everything from downstairs had to come down.

"Then downstairs was a complete and utter gut. Absolutely everything from the light fittings, to the counter, the fixtures and everything all got removed.

"Myself and my staff packed everything up ourselves so that the builders could move in – it was a huge job.

"So now we’ve got new lighting and fixtures and every single item of hanging stock on the shop floor is all newly processed.

"People donate loads and anything that’s amazing I’ve been putting aside so that’s about 1,300 items that I processed alone. It’s absolutely massive."

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The Cancer Research shop hadn't been painted in 10 years, but now boasts a fresh and modern look.The Cancer Research shop has been given a fresh makeover. (Image: Sam Macleod)

The charity shop officially reopened to the public on Monday, May 3, after being closed for two weeks/

"The shop is just absolutely beautiful and the feedback we’ve got from customers has been out of this world," added Sam.

"We’ve definitely been through the mill with it all, but it’s finally come together now and we’re so happy with it.

"Going forward now, we’re just hoping to raise as much money as we possibly can with people's donations."

Cancer Research on Marlborough's High Street will now continue to open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.