Volunteers have pulled a number of items from a river in Marlborough including pants, teapots and watering cans during a recent river litter pick.

Other items found included oars, washing baskets, garden chairs, plastic tables that Action for the River Kennet (ARK) volunteers pulled from Stonebridge Wild River Reserve in Marlborough on May Thursday, 30.

Volunteers told the Gazette and Herald they had never seen so much litter in one small stretch of river, with one saying they could fill a new home with the items found in the River Kennet.

As well as large household items, volunteers packed nine bin bags full of plastic bottles, sweet wrappers, drinks cans, crisp packets, polystyrene and other bits of plastic.

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The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Household items were found floating in the River Kennet in Marlborough.Household items were found floating in the River Kennet in Marlborough. (Image: ARK)

"This access point is where we take children into the river to learn about how special their river is," explained a spokesperson for ARK.

"It used to be a lovely spot known for spawning wild brown trout and breeding kingfisher, now it's a polluted mess."

In January 2024, a mass flood described to be “the worst flood Marlborough had ever seen” swept through the town, leaving many residents living on Kennet Place to be evacuated from their homes on rafts.

During this time, household items are believed to have flowed out with the water and deposited in the River Kennet.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: The unprecedented floods of January 2024 saw large parts of Marlborough submerged underwater.The unprecedented floods of January 2024 saw large parts of Marlborough submerged underwater. (Image: SWNS)

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“We’ve been waiting for water levels to drop sufficiently to safely get out the usual litter and flooding items," said Anna Forbes, officer for ARK.

“Thank you to all the volunteers for improving the Kennet for wildlife and the community by removing these items, and to Marlborough Town Council who are assisting us with the disposal.”

The huge task of returning the River Kennet back to its original state will continue on Saturday, June 8, with volunteers litter picking from Stonebridge Wild River Reserve into the town.

"This Saturday's litter pick is fully booked but if anyone would like to volunteer with us email anna@riverkennet.org," added Anna.