A film project declared as 'top secret' has begun at Avebury National Trust site in Wiltshire.

An unnamed crew pulled up in The Red Lion car park in the morning of Wednesday, May 29 with vans full of filming equipment in preparation for a long day of shooting.

The actual filming location was put together at a group of stones just off the A4361, and residents and passers-by watched on in intrigue.

The one question on everyone's lips - what are they filming?

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The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: 1813576918135769 (Image: Newsquest)

"We're not actually allowed to say, it's all very hush-hush," said a member of the crew manning the equipment.

They added: "We had the BBC ask us and even they're not allowed to know. The whole project is top secret."

When probed by a Gazette and Herald reporter, the crew did reveal that filming in Avebury would only take place for one day, and the cameras would vacate the area by Wednesday evening.

"I didn't actually know they were coming," said one barman from the Red Lion pub.

"The first I heard about it was when I turned up for work this morning."

Other businesses in the area have declined to comment at all.

Speaking with the Gazette and Herald reporter, residents have described seeing "a lady in a beautiful dress", "old medieval looking clothing" and "a white backdrop next to the stones".

"Activity like this generates significant income and helps us to continue to protect and maintain Avebury for future generations to come," said a spokesperson for the National Trust.