Police have warned residents after a recent spike in car thefts around Swindon.

In the last few days, officers have received numerous reports of cars being targeted around the town and items stolen after they were left unlocked.

The force has advised residents to park in a garage and aim to park in a well-lit and open area when out and about.

Drivers have also been told to invest in a steering wheel lock as well as be aware of keyless thieves who attempt to steal vehicles using digital devices.

This includes using a device to pick up the car key fob's signal and then relay it to the car, opening it.

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PC Matthew Price said: “All the reports that have come in have resulted from vehicles were left unsecured.

“In particular, it has been the villages around Swindon which have been targeted, such as Wroughton, Broad Hinton and Winterbourne Bassett.

“I’d like to remind everyone that even if you don’t live in an urban area like Swindon, it is still important to protect yourself and keep your vehicles and belongings secure.

“It may sound obvious but please remember to lock your vehicles when you leave them, even for a second, and never leave any valuables or presents on display in your vehicles.

“You should also avoid leaving your car open and unattended, even briefly and on your own driveway.”