Plans to ban street drinking in a Wiltshire town centre are progressing as police attempt to curb “spontaneous violence incidents.”

Community safety officers, appointed by Wiltshire Council, areworking with police in an effort to implement a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Devizes.

Officers say this follows a “growth in anti-social behaviour, which is often fuelled by alcohol-based street drinking.”

If introduced, the proposed PSPO would prohibit a range of activities and behaviours in public spaces.

This would include being in possession of an open container of alcohol, continuing to consume alcohol when requested to stop by an authorised officer, and being under the influence of drugs or psychoactive substances.

Several acts of anti-social behaviour would also be covered, including behaving in a way likely to cause harassment, obstruction or concerns for safety, threatening or abusing others and throwing objects liable to cause damage, nuisance or injury.

The restrictions would be enforced within much of the town centre, including the Market Place, as well as open public spaces within walking distance, such as The Green, Hillworth Park, churchyards, car parks and town gardens, public seating areas, the Wharf area, and Devizes School playing field.

Green Lane Playing Field was also added to the plans due to a number of recorded instances of anti-social behaviour taking place.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Devizes Market PlaceDevizes Market Place (Image: Wiltshire Police)Explaining the need for these measures, a draft proposal detailed how public alcohol consumption has fuelled violence and anti-social behaviour in areas like the Market Place.

It read: “Often behaviour would quickly deteriorate to shouting, obscene language and even fighting.

“What is of particular concern is the young age at which this behaviour starts, with adolescents being as young as 9.

“Street drinking can be without bounds as witnessed in the summers of 2022 and 2023.

“The evidence shows that the number of spontaneous violence incidents are high and very much out of character for the centre of a market town.”

In the plans, PC Hardwidge listed a number of incidents which took place last year including a spate of violent street fights.

The draft proposals argue a PSPO would give police the power to challenge and stamp out these behaviours before they escalate.

Concerned parties are currently being consulted on the potential order, and Devizes Town Council have now had their say.

The plans were discussed by town councillors at a meeting of the community and civic resources committee on Tuesday, September 26.

Cllr Jonathan Hunter, of the Devizes Guardians, confirmed that the committee had offered their support for the plans.