A Wiltshire town centre is set for new 20mph speed limits, as council say plans are “in the queue for action”.

Marlborough Town Council have proposed to reduce the speed limit on a number of key roads in Marlborough, including parts of the A4.

The plans cover the A4, George Lane and Herd Street, as well as parts of Salisbury Road, Pewsey Road.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: These roads marked in blue could become 20mph zones if the proposed plans go ahead.These roads marked in blue could become 20mph zones if the proposed plans go ahead. (Image: Google Maps)

Currently, 20mph speed limits are already in force throughout most of the central roads in the town.

The High Street, Kingsbury Street, Barn Street, St Martins and smaller feeder roads were all reduced to a 20mph speed limit in 2019, in an attempt to make the town safer and less polluting.

If new plans go ahead, this will be expanded to also include the outskirts of the town, and roads leading in and out of Marlborough.

“The Town Council has submitted a request to Wiltshire Council Area Board Local Highway & Footway Improvements Group which in turn has supported the 20mph review,” said the Town Clerk, Richard Spencer- Williams, in an official statement.

“It is now officially in the queue for action.”

Marlborough councillors have been sharing their excitement for the proposal, as they hope this plan could soon become a reality.

“I think the proposed 20mph speed limits are a very good idea,” said Coun Mervyn Hall.

“Particularly on George Lane, where a lot of school children cross the road, and on Pewsey Road where elderly people from the retirement flats struggle to cross the road.”

Coun Noel Barrett-Morton pointed out that although the town already has some 20mph limit roads, this is not good enough to deal with big lorries and fast traffic using the A4 in the town as a through-route.

“I’m definitely for the 20mph expanding in other areas, as people in cars go too fast in our towns and its environs,” he said.

But for Coun Jane Davies from Wiltshire Council, it's about more than just speed control.

"Air pollution has been scientifically proven to reduce in lower speed limit areas as there is less acceleration and braking to produce particulates.  This is important as Marlborough is an Air Quality Management Area," she said.

"Councillor Caroline Thomas and I are also pushing to get the old railway line cycle track continued so that it connects to the business park and onto St John's school and the town centre. This will give people an off-road route for walking and cycling, to further help reduce pollution" she added.  

Let us know what you think of this 20mph proposal by sending your thoughts to sarah.dalton@newsquest.co.uk.