An investigation into a spate of sickness cases at Wiltshire’s biggest music festival has failed to identify a singular cause.

The inconclusive results came back after the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) launched a probe into a small number of sickness and diarrhoea cases suffered by attendees at WOMAD festival in July.

Tens of thousands visited Charlton Park in Malmesbury for the event and multiple people left with diarrhoea and sickness.

One victim of the mystery illness was Neil Sinden, who told the BBC he contracted a “serious tummy bug”, which he described as the “worst” he had ever suffered, just 24 hours after the festival.

The “small number of cases” prompted an investigation, carried out by the UKHSA alongside Wiltshire Council and festival organisers, to establish whether there were any “common links”.

But Dr Alasdair Wood has now confirmed that the tests they carried out did not identify a singular cause.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Festival goers at WOMAD

The UKHSA added that “the number of people that have reported illness are small as a proportion of the total number of festival goers.”

Mr Sinden, who works as an environmental consultant, told the BBC that the majority of festival goers used compost toilets and alcohol-based hand gel, rather than the water-based facilities which were available at extra cost.

The investigation looked into such factors and “considered different potential causes”, including food, water, toilet and hygiene facilities.

But Dr Wood added that, due to the time that has passed since the event, it is unlikely that “further testing will reveal any additional information.”

WOMAD said they were “greatly concerned” by the outbreak and have since worked with both the UKHSA and Wiltshire Council to identify its cause.

Responding to the findings of this investigation, organisers were pleased that no evidence was found to suggest actions taken by them or their partners caused the outbreak.

A spokesperson said: “We take the well-being of anyone onsite at WOMAD very seriously… we are greatly relieved to learn that the outbreak was both limited in its reach and that there is no evidence to support any concern that illness may have been caused by actions taken onsite, either by WOMAD as festival Producers or any of our partners including food traders.

“This does not diminish in any way our concern for any of the people affected and we wish them a speedy recovery.

“WOMAD will continue to work alongside all our partners in Wiltshire Council and the surrounding areas to deliver the best and safest possible festival.”