A FLORAL display of wild flowers is ‘blowing away’ residents of a pretty Wiltshire village and putting a smile on the faces of locals and visitors.

The approach roads into the pretty village of Steeple Ashton are now a spectacular riot of colour following a local farmer’s decision to plant a wide variety of wild flowers.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Steeple Ashton wildflowersSteeple Ashton wildflowers (Image: Jennifer Holmes)

Partners Jeremy and Anya Cottle of Manor Farm were inspired to sow the wildflowers on verges after seeing similar displays at Long Newnton in Gloucestershire.

They decided to sow more seeds to promote biodiversity and brighten up the village approaches following the positive response from locals, a crowdfunding appeal, and after sponsors came forward.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Jeremy Cottle, of Manor Farm in Steeple Ashton, with some of his cows.Jeremy Cottle, of Manor Farm in Steeple Ashton, with some of his cows. (Image: Jennifer Holmes)

Last year Jeremy managed to get funding from a local businessman – Andrew Walkely - to trial an initial strip at one end of the village. The seed was purchased from Lawnview near Hereford.

Anya says: “The reaction from the village was fantastic. They all appreciated how beautiful it was as well as the number of bees/ butterflies and insects it attracted.

“To be honest we wanted to do it for both those reasons, to put a smile on people’s faces as they drove into the village and to encourage/help wildlife activity.”

This year Jeremy and Anya set up a ‘go fund me’ page and three local sponsors stepped forward to help fund the project: The Cosy Kitchen, DH3 Construction and Countryside Events.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: One of the wildflower verges at Steeple AshtonOne of the wildflower verges at Steeple Ashton (Image: Jennifer Holmes)

They were hoping to be able to fund one good-sized area and were amazed with the generosity of the local people who very quickly raised enough for two decent verge strips.

Anya added: “Dave at Lawnview is fantastic and has an absolute passion for wildflowers and what blends to use. We chose his ‘special blend’. It has proved immensely popular again this year”.

Sposnor The Cosy Kitchen said: “The flowers that were planted last year made us and everyone smile when they passed them and so when the opportunity for sponsorship came up, as a village in our local area, we were thrilled to be able to contribute towards it.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Steeple Ashton wildflowers

“They look so beautiful and have been a talking point of visitors and neighbouring areas and its lovely to see the bees and butterflies as you drive past. Hopefully other villages and communities will follow suit and do the same.”

Resident Andrew Wyborn said: “They make me smile every time I drive past. Even people outside the village comment on how nice it looks. Definitely worth the group funding and hopefully more villages will get involved in the future.”