Landlords have again shared their fears over a 'dangerous' road outside a pub that saw a motorcyclist killed two years ago.

Dave and Karen Longman have running the Freke Arms on the B4019 near Highworth for a few years and have lost count of the crashes and near-misses on the busy route. 

In the summer of 2021, Paul Patterson was killed when he was hit by a car driven carelessly by Toby Clay while riding a Piaggio scooter. 

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Paul Patterson

The pub tenants said there have been many other incidents that could have resulted in a loss of life.

They have campaigned to get the road, particularly around the turn-off to Hannington, made safer.

The pair started a petition which has received over 3,000 signatures, but - two years on from Paul's death - nothing has been done. 

"We've been told the layout can't be changed," Dave said, "But something needs to be done because there have been at least five accidents since Paul died."

"Every day we wake up and we think 'is today going to be the day that someone else dies, or will it be tomorrow?'," Karen added. 

"Because it's not a matter of 'if' something happens, it's 'when'."

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Images from a video of a crash outside the Freke Arms that saw a motorcyclist get thrown through the air. They miraculously managed to walk away.Images from a video of a crash outside the Freke Arms that saw a motorcyclist get thrown through the air. They miraculously managed to walk away. (Image: Dave Longman)

The pair have recounted some of the crashes they'd seen recently, including two incidents involving a motorbike travelling towards Highworth past the pub being hit by a car turning right at the Hannington junction without stopping. 

In one, the motorbike rider crashes into the side of a car that turned right into his path, sending him flying over the top of the car and into the air.

He survived and has given the pub permission to share dashcam footage of the incident to highlight the reality and dangers of the road. 

Warning: The footage in the following video shows the dashcam footage of this crash, and may upset some viewers

In another, a motorbike rider ends up skidding along the road, coming to a stop on a grass verge. 

"It happens all the time," Dave added, "We've put CCTV up so that there's footage of anything else that happens."

Warning: The footage in the following video shows CCTV footage of this crash, and may upset some viewers

More recently, a speeding drunk driver lost control of their vehicle and came off the road - flying through the pub's car park before taking out some bushes.

Nobody was hurt, but just moments before the car park had been full of paranormal enthusiasts who it had been hosting.

"We just don't want to see anyone else die," Karen added. 

Since Paul's death, some reflective poles were installed, but they are currently obscured by overgrown grass. The speed limit remains the same at 50mph. 

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: A shrine to Paul Patterson who died on the B4019 in a crash outside the Freke Arms pub.A shrine to Paul Patterson who died on the B4019 in a crash outside the Freke Arms pub. (Image: Newsquest)

Nearby, a shrine to Paul can be seen with flowers and pictures of him. His widow Lorna Knowles-Patterson has spoken of her frustrations that the road remains as dangerous as it was when it took her husband away.

"I don’t go often because I associate the place with the worst trauma of my life but on the occasion that I do go there people drive like complete idiots," she said.

"People still cut across that corner.

"It seems that people think they know the roads so well that they just drive in whatever manner they want without thinking of what the consequences could be.

"I still won’t drive down that road at all. It’s too traumatic I will always go around the long way."