Wiltshire Council say they are investigating a repeatedly failing set of traffic lights causing confusion at a busy junction.

The traffic lights at the junction between Avenue La Fleche and Gladstone Road, in Chippenham, have been reported as not working by road users multiple times throughout April and May.

Motorists have claimed the junction is “an accident waiting to happen” when the lights are out of order, with many unsure of what to do on approach.

The on again, off again lights, located in a busy area near the town centre, have also made it difficult for drivers turning onto Avenue La Fleche from Gladstone Road when they have been down.

Last month, a commuter said: “It was a pain in the backside trying to pull out of there, you almost have to wait till both sides are clear as there's not much space in between carriageways to wait.”

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: The junction of Avenue La Fleche and Gladstone Road

Taking to social media last week, one road user vented their frustration and claimed the lights had been out multiple times in the last two months.

They said: “I reported them on Thursday, and that’s the fifth time I have done so in two months.

“The last time they repaired them, they lasted 34 hours before they broke again. Ridiculous.

“It is not a wonder there hasn’t been a serious accident with people trying to cross over from Gladstone Road, and people using the crossing.”

The lights were working again at the time of writing, but the council’s contractors are now investigating the cause of the issue in an attempt to prevent further difficulties.

This will include checking the incoming electrical supply at the lights, after several other components were tested and replaced.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: The junction of Avenue La Fleche and Gladstone Road

In the meantime, Councillor Caroline Thomas, the cabinet member for transport, has apologised for the inconvenience to road users and claimed that any future problems will be treated as a priority.

She said: “We apologise to motorists for any inconvenience caused whilst there have been some issues with the traffic lights at this junction.  

“Our traffic signals maintenance contractor is continuing to investigate what is causing the issue and has already tested and replaced many of the components. The incoming electrical supply is now being checked to identify if this is causing the issue and the results should be known within the next few days. 

"Our contractor will continue to attend the site as a priority if the traffic light fails again and has been tasked to resolve the issue as quickly as possible."