A GreenSquareAccord tenant who has been without central heating or hot water for over four months says her treatment has been “diabolical”.

Clair Barlow, who lives in a block of bungalows reserved for disabled and elderly tenants at Westcroft, in Chippenham, is one of dozens of residents who have not had heating since before Christmas.

The 48-year-old suffers from several conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and severe asthma which is triggered by the cold.

Ms Barlow has been left furious that the situation, which began in mid-December, is still ongoing and says it has affected her mental and physical health.

She said: “I’m getting fed up of this situation and I think we’re all getting fed up.  

“Because of my disabilities I’m having to run three electric heaters but it’s not helping.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Westcroft, Chippenham

“The house is getting damp and mouldy, my chest is playing up, it’s awful. I’m fed up of being so cold and being in pain… we’re struggling and can’t carry on like this.”

GreenSquareAccord initially claimed they would attempt to solve the issue in January but have since been selecting a new heating system for the block of bungalows.

While this process has now been completed, Ms Barlow claims she was recently informed installation would not be finished until October.

In the meantime, residents have been provided electric heaters to warm their homes although Ms Barlow claimed these have drastically increased her electricity bills.

Other residents have previously criticised their effectiveness.

In January, Terry Hancock said: “The electric heaters are about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike… they’re absolutely useless and I don’t think anyone is interested in us. They don’t care.”

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Westcroft, Chippenham

Ms Barlow added that using the bungalow’s electric shower without adequate heating has worsened both the mould and her asthma.

“It’s ridiculous that in this day and age you can be left all these months waiting for heating”, she said.

A spokesperson from GreenSquareAccord said: “We are sorry that our customers at Westcroft are still waiting for their heating system issue to be resolved.

“We have completed the process of selecting an alternative replacement heating system to install and advised customers last month on a timeframe for this work to be completed.

“All customers affected have been provided with heaters, have electric showers and have been offered temporary accommodation.

“We are committed to keeping customers updated on our progress and we are continuing to pay compensation and reimbursement for loss of hot water on a monthly basis until the new heating system is installed.”