Everywhere you look is broken by Tories

I don't always agree with with what Labour leader Keir Starmer says but writing in the Observer (December 4) he says that 'Everywhere you look is broken'.

I'm sure the readers of the Adver will agree with me when I say that the Tories' legacy since coming into office in 2010,has seen amongst many other things, healthcare, the economy, local government, education, the prison system all destroyed.

They've demonised migrants, striking workers, lambasted human rights and anyone or organisation that protests against their policies, have overseen nearly 250,000 Covid deaths (the worst in Europe), the EU referendum in 2016 has not only been a complete disaster for the country, but has caused huge divisions in society and has seen a huge upsurge in racism, under this government trust in politicians has sunk to an all time low.

I hope that in 2024-25,when the next election is due the voting population will not forget this 'legacy' and vote this cruel and callous government out of office.

Martin Webb

Old Town

Stand with homeless

Thousands of people across the country are facing a distressing and uncertain Christmas without a safe place to call home.

In Britain today, 227,000 households are experiencing the worst forms of homelessness.

This includes people sleeping on the streets, trapped in insecure accommodation without access to their own cooking or washing facilities, or enduring the instability of sofa surfing.

As the rising cost-of-living piles more and more pressure on people, homelessness charity Crisis is seeing the consequences in its front-line services.

They’re supporting people in desperate situations struggling with unaffordable housing and skyrocketing bills. As cost pressures intensify, it’s only going to get worse, with more people at risk of losing their home.

Now’s the time to stand with people facing homelessness. Crisis at Christmas will soon be opening its doors to people who would otherwise be spending December and January sleeping on the streets. In three hotels across London and centres around the country, people will be provided with food and warmth as well as tailored help including healthcare, training and support with housing.

And this is just the beginning – Crisis will be providing all its Christmas guests with a key worker who will give ongoing support to help them start on a journey out of homelessness for good.

But the support Crisis provides is only possible because of the generosity of the British public. Please give the gift of a Crisis Christmas and help someone leave the trauma and hardship of homelessness behind.

To find out more or to donate to Crisis this Christmas, please visit www.crisis.org.uk/support

Alastair Stewart OBE, Crisis Ambassador

Al Doyle, Crisis Ambassador

Ayo Akinwolere, Crisis Ambassador

Ellie Goulding, Crisis Ambassador

Imelda Staunton, Crisis Ambassador

Jo Brand, Crisis Ambassador

Sir Jonathan Pryce, Crisis Ambassador

Nyome Nicholas-Williams, Crisis Ambassador

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