AN APPEAL has been made after planning inspectors turned down an application to build up to 57 homes on land north of Quakers Road and South of Parkfields, Devizes.

The land, which forms part of Wiltshire Police HQ, is to be sold by the PCC as it has not been used in years.

The plans have been heavily criticised in recent years, with Devizes councillor Judy Rose, who represents South Ward, describing the proposals as "dreadful"

The application came after the then Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Wiltshire and Swindon Angus Macpherson reviewed all police sites and associated buildings as part of his Estates Strategy 2017-21.

The plans were turned down in February this year as it was feared the proposal "would lead to an increase in vehicular movements in Parkfields and Parkfield Terrace" with the additional traffic leading to "increased danger and inconvenience to all users of these roads, to the detriment of highway safety". 

In the appeal letter prepared on behalf of the PCC, the appellants argue that the development "will not lead to increased danger to road users and certainly will not cause inconvenience to road users above the ‘severe’ threshold set by national guidance".

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