A SCULPTURE trail expected to attract thousands of visitors to Swindon now has its main sponsor.

Imagine Cruising have put their paws up to be the headline sponsor for The Big Dog Art Trail next year.

The travel agency based in Royal Wootton Bassett sponsored the first of 30 supersized balloon dog sculptures which will spring up around Swindon next summer.

The uniquely decorated Swindogs will create the UK’s first-ever balloon dog art trail and raise essential funds for children’s hospice charity Julia’s House.

The free walking trail will lead through the town's historic parks, landmarks and streets and will shine a light on art and culture.

CEO Robin Deller said: “Imagine Cruising are delighted to support this new and exciting community initiative in Swindon.

"It is vital that we do all we can to raise awareness about Julia’s House children’s hospice charity and we’re thrilled to be doing so in such a fun and engaging way that brings art and culture to the heart of Swindon.

"We will be sponsoring not one but two of the Swindogs and can’t wait to see them on the trail.

“We are continually humbled by the care and support that Julia’s House provides to local children and their families.

“Their tireless work provides hope and a little happiness for families in unthinkable situations and we are so very proud to sponsor them.”

The Big Dog Art Trail will run from July 15 to September 3 2023 and end with a grand farewell finale where all of the two-metre-high Swindog sculptures will be brought together under one roof.

The giant one-of-a-kind creations  will then head off to their forever homes after being adopted at a special auction event to raise money for the children’s hospice.

The Big Dog Art Trail is being brought to Swindon by Julia’s House and global public art producer Wild in Art, who has previously hosted trails in cities across the UK and worldwide, including the recent elephant parade in Worcester and Cows in Cambridge.

Julia's House corporate fundraiser Alice Chalmers added: “It’s fantastic to have Imagine Crusising. involved in this really exciting project. They have supported Julia’s House for many years and we’re so grateful for their ongoing dedication to the charity.”

To find out how your company can sponsor a Swindog and join the Big Dog Art Trail pack, visit www.bigdogarttrail.co.uk/sponsors

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: A Swindog sculpture visits Imagine Cruising's Bassett HQA Swindog sculpture visits Imagine Cruising's Bassett HQ