No threat from NATO

I couldn't believe the rubbish that Steve Halden wrote . He claimed that it's NATO fault that Russian have invaded the Ukraine.

Let's get the facts straight.

NATO in the 70 or so years have never made any attempt to threaten Russia.

It was set up solely has a defence organisation in the event of a Russian attack.Over that last few months they have tried to negotiate with out success. Putin has and never had any plans to come to an agreement.

He made it clear in a statement some time ago his disapproval of the disintegration of USSR.

He has made it clear, he wants to bring about those countries that left, to come back under the influence of Russia.

He then, like Hitler, made some cock and bull story that Russians in the Ukraine were under attack. Hitler said the same thing about the Sudetenland Germans.

Those countries that got away from Russian control join NATO for self protection. After the second world war Russia never liberated Eastern Europe they occupied it and took away their democratic systems.

These countries have no intention of having it put back on them again.

Allan Woodham


Despair at loss of life in Ukraine war

As a man who came up the hard way I don't shed tears very often. Even at family funerals I keep a closed tap on my eyes. However I have a confession to make.

Last night while watching national TV I saw a young girl of six years old dying. Be it successful or not. She was not given that choice. The despair of her mother watching this nightmare.

Then an old lady with her leg blown off dying shortly after.The tears then rolled down my cheeks in despair at this monster Putin’s actions in atrocities against another free country.

My beloved springer spaniel sitting beside me on the couch while I watched this horror on normal law abiding hard working people as most of us are. Filled me with despondence for mankind when I am long gone.

My dog is more secure and settled than the human beings in Ukraine? Is that right, take note politicians in charge of all democratic countries.

Bill Williams

Merlin Way


Shame at UK govt response to conflict

An open letter to Danny Kruger MP: Do you have any Ukrainians living in your constituency?

I ask because we would like to be considered as a household that would welcome a refugee family to stay with us. It would be good to find people who speak the Ukrainian language.

We are ashamed that the UK government is dragging its feet in opening our borders to take in people who are fleeing from the Russian invasion. I know we are not a frontline country but we must surely share the burden of hosting refugees with our European neighbours.

Why have we not simply copied the European Union in giving free access for three years without need for asylum bureaucracy to refugees that wish to shelter in Britain? Is the Home Office coordinating offers to host Ukrainian families?

The new Premier Inn in Marlborough could surely be used by the government as an initial Reception Centre for Refugees coming into this area.

Would you be able to coordinate arrangements with local schools to receive Ukrainian children, and our health services to be made available as necessary?

It seems unfair that European countries poorer than ours are already facing these sorts of calls on their resources.

Bill Yates

Little Bedwyn


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