PLANS to replace a three-bedroom house near Pewsey have been rejected by Wiltshire Council.

Joe Stewart of Withy Tree Cottage, Knowle put in a bid to replace the existing property with a three to four-bedroom “passive house”.

However, Wiltshire Council’s planning officer believed the demolition of the existing cottage would result in a loss in heritage and cause “harm to the significance of the pair of cottages” and the area as a whole.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Proposed Dwelling at Withy Tree CottageProposed Dwelling at Withy Tree Cottage

Officers added: “The design of the dwelling, with poorly detailed elevations and asymmetric roof form, is not sympathetic to the neighbouring attached historic building and thus fails to respond positively to the historic environment or enhance local distinctiveness.”

Some commenting on the bid by Mr Stewart were in favour of the plans but others raised concerns over the scarcity of thatched cottages.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Existing building at Withy Tree CottageExisting building at Withy Tree Cottage

Pewsey Parish Council said on first glance the plans would be to demolish a perfectly sound and pretty thatched cottage.

But added that a specialist said the site was neither in good nor original condition and that it would support the bid despite asking for more clarity on the treatment of the roof.