Police have said they will work with Chippenham Town Council to find a solution to the Town Bridge bench problem.

Pensioners were angry when the benches were removed even though police said it was done to help curb anti-social-behaviour in the area.

Some councillors, including Coun Elizabeth Kennedy alleged the police had threatened them with prosecution under the Crime and Disorder Act if the benches were returned to their original spot.

But Inspector Gavin Williams has this week denied his officers made such threats.

He said the police would continue to work closely with councillors to ensure Chippenham remains a safe place to live and visit.

He said: "We have got a good relationship with the town council.

"At no stage was it ever suggested that we would take councillors to court.

"We work in partnership with the council.

"We have the common aim to make Chippenham a safe place which is also a good place to live, work and to visit.

"I'm confident that we will continue to work with our partners to find a solution to this, where the benches are available for the people who need them.

"But it is our prime responsibility to reduce crime and disorder."