Preview: North Wiltshire Orchestra, Summer Concert St Andrew’s Church, Chippenham.

Smetana, Saint Saëns and Elgar are on the bill for NWO’s summer concert on Saturday at St Andrew’s Church, Chippenham.

The soloist for Saint Saëns’ Concerto No 1 for Cello is Cully Wilcoxon, an American, who moved to Devizes in 1999.

A promising cellist as a young man, playing in Carnegie Hall and in Beijing, Mr Wilcoxon then shelved his music while he lived and worked in Hong Kong for ten years.

When he arrived in Devizes he met two of the longest-serving members of the NWO, Alison Giles and Michael Oliver, who he says: “gave me much encouragement, and I began to take lessons with Liz Anderson, now in Edington. I have never before performed a concerto.”

Smetana’s Vltava, from Ma Vlast (my fatherland) tells of Bohemia’s great river from its source to Prague, describing the country’s history en route.

Elgar’s Symphony No.1, was his first and was dedicated to Dr Harris Richter, “true artist and true friend” who conducted the first performance in December 1908.

Tickets at £7 are available from members of the orchestra, Chippenham Tourist Information Centre, Devizes Books or on the door.