Anything Goes, Cole Porter’s lively 1930’s shipboard musical, offers fun galore, above and below deck, aboard SS America, on a translatlantic voyage from New York.

Passengers include an English aristocrat, an heiress and her manipulative mother, a nightclub singer, a notorious gangster and an Oriental duo from a Chinese mission.

Daphne Breakspear directs a cast of 23, in Ray Dance & Judith Sharp’s latest charity production. Proceeds will benefit the Coronary Care Unit of Great Western Hospital.

Anything Goes, with a sparkling succession of song and dance numbers, comedy and romance, is performed brilliantly by the talented cast and an accomplished four-piece band Ray Dance is the traditional staid Englishman Sir Evelyn Oakley, whose new fiancée, Hope Harcourt, is played delightfully by Katherine Sharp.

In mid-Atlantic, their romantic interests diverge. The aristocrat is pursued by nightclub singer Reno Sweeney , played with great verve by Judith Sharp. Hope finds true love with the enterprising Billy Crocker, a role in which Russell Langdown is superb. His boss, a Wall Street financier is played by Dennis Breakspear, who also designed the set.

Tony Asprey is hilarious as Moonface Martin, complete with tommygun and Sarah Greenwood gives an outstanding performance as Bonnie.

The show has brilliant song and dance numbers: You’re the Top, It’s Delovely, Friendship, I Get a Kick Out of You, and, of course, Anything Goes! Tickets are £9 (£8 concessions), tel (01793) 485025.

Performances are nightly at 7.30 until Saturday June 20, when there is also a 2.30 matinee.