Wiltshire Council has joined more than 100 councils in England demanding that this new government takes action to save council houses.

The unprecedented cross-party coalition of over 100 council landlords, led by Southwark Council, took to Westminster on Tuesday, September 3, and warned that England's council housing system is broken and urgent action is needed.

Across the country, many council and housing association homes are already being sold off, and councils warned that unless something is urgently done, most council landlords will struggle to maintain their existing homes adequately let alone create new ones.

“It’s essential that high-quality affordable council homes are available for those who need them most, and the current system and model in place makes this challenging," said Councillor Richard Clewer, leader of Wiltshire Council.

“We are all too pleased to support this report alongside many other councils, as its vision and aims very much align with our own.

"Working side by side with the other councils involved shows a collective determination to work together to develop a new sustainable fit-for-purpose model that will support local authorities while having long-term benefits for residents.”

Social housing is currently being sold across the countrySocial housing is currently being sold across the country (Image: Getty)

The five solutions presented by Wiltshire Council and others to the new government included:

  1. A new fair and sustainable HRA model – including an urgent £644 million one-off rescue injection, and long-term, certain rent and debt agreements.
  2. Reforms to unsustainable Right to Buy policies
  3. Removing red tape on existing funding
  4. A new, long-term Green & Decent Homes Programme
  5. Urgent action to restart stalled building projects, avoiding the loss of construction sector capacity and a market downturn

Alongside this is a detailed report, led by Southwark Council, which explains how an unsustainable financial model and erratic national policy changes have squeezed councils' housing budgets and sent costs soaring. 

“This unprecedented coalition of councils – representing every corner of England - is united in our determination to ensure our residents have decent and affordable homes," said Councillor Kieron Williams, leader of Southwark Council.

Over 100 local councils took to Westminster to share their ideasOver 100 local councils took to Westminster to share their ideas (Image: Getty)

"For families across our country, their council home is a foundation - giving them the security needed to put down roots and flourish.

“Our new government has committed to delivering the biggest increase to affordable and social housing in a generation. However, the reality is that our national council housing finances are on the brink.

“Our five solutions offer the new government an opportunity to turn this around – lifting the council homes we have up to modern, safe, healthy and green standards, and delivering the thousands more council homes that our country urgently needs.”